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Styling Nodes

This is documentation for the new styling nodes - need to review.


This node is inserted into a canvas to control the styles (appearance) of a variety of elements in specific nodes, such as the newslist node or the RSS Feed node. This style node was introduced to further enhance the flexibility in styling sepcific elements of a node. For instance, a newlist item may have: date - The date of the news item synopsis - A broief synopsis of the news item link - A link which on-click will take you to the detailed news article In this scenario the designer may want to have a unique font style for the date and synopsis, and in turn have a unique link style which over-rules the cascading style for that particular design. This node allows you to do all of this

Where to use this node

Sub Nodes

stylewpStyleThis is an instance of a group of styles for a specific WebPal node, such as the newlist or RSS Feed node.



This is an instance of a group of styles for a specific WebPal node, such as the newlist or RSS Feed node.

Where to use this node


nameoneoftext, standard_table, newslist, rss, webform, agenda, stafflist

Sub Nodes

fontwpNodeStyleThis will define the font styles of the selected element.
linkwpNodeLinkStyleThis will define the link styles of the selected element.
boxstylewpNodeBoxStyleThis will define the box styles of the selected element.



This is the node which represents font styles withing the style node.

Inherits from:

Where to use this node


nameoneofstandard_table, standard_table_header, standard_table_header p, standard_table_header h1, standard_table_header h2, standard_table_header h3, standard_table_header h4, standard_table_header h5, standard_table_header h6, standard_table_cell, standard_table_cell p, standard_table_cell h1, standard_table_cell h2, standard_table_cell h3, standard_table_cell h4, standard_table_cell h5, standard_table_cell h6, standard_table_highlight, text_standard_paragraph, text_page_heading, text_sub_heading, text_subsub_heading, text_numbered_list, text_unordered_list, text_list_item, text_quote, text_formatted, text_code, newslist, newslist_item_title, newslist_item_date, newslist_item_synopsis, newslist_item, newslist_item_highlight, newslist_button_row, newslist_button_archive, newslist_button_rss, rss, rss_item, rss_date, rss_link, rss_description, webform, webform_title, webform_page, webform_actions, webform_action_email,webform_action_clear, webform_action_database, webform_action_url, webform_group_title, webform_label, webform_element, webform_radio, webform_checkbox, webform_help, webform_checkboxlist, webform_input_field, webform_field_stacked, webform_field_sidebyside, webform_group_stacked, webform_group_sidebyside, agenda, agenda_left, agenda_left_highlight, agenda_right, agenda_right_highlight, agenda_header_left, agenda_header_right, stafflist_name_details, stafflist_title, stafflist_title_details, stafflist_other



This is the node which represents link styles withing the style node.

Inherits from:

Where to use this node


nameoneofstandard_table_cell, newslist_link, rss_link, stafflist_name_listings
actiononeofnormal, visited, hover, active



This is the node which represents box styles withing the style node.

Inherits from:

Where to use this node


nameoneoftext_standard_paragraph, text_page_heading, text_sub_heading, text_subsub_heading, text_numbered_list, text_unordered_list, text_list_item, text_quote, text_formatted, text_code, standard_table, standard_table_header, standard_table_cell, standard_table_highlight, newslist, newslist_item_title, newslist_item_date, newslist_item_synopsis, newslist_item, newslist_item_highlight, newslist_button_row, newslist_button_archive, newslist_button_rss, rss, rss_item, rss_date, rss_link, rss_description, webform, webform_title, webform_page, webform_actions, webform_action_email, webform_action_clear, webform_action_database, webform_action_url, webform_group_title, webform_label, webform_element, webform_radio, webform_checkbox, webform_help, webform_checkboxlist, webform_input_field, webform_field_stacked, webform_field_sidebyside, webform_group_stacked, webform_group_sidebyside, agenda, agenda_left, agenda_left_highlight, agenda_right, agenda_right_highlight, agenda_header_left, agenda_header_right



Where to use this node


    faceoneofdefault, Sans-Serif, Serif, Fixed, Arial, Verdana, Courier, Comic Sans MS, Helvetica, Newspaper, Lucida, Tahoma, Terminal, Utopia, Century Gothic, Georgia
    sizeoneofdefault, 5pt, 7pt, 7.5pt, 8pt, 8.5pt, 9pt, 9.5pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 16pt, 18pt, 20pt, 22pt, 26pt, 32pt, 48pt, 72pt, 0.500em, 0.583em, 0.667em, 0.750em, 0.833em, 1.000em, 1.167em, 1.333em, 1.500em, 1.667em, 2.000em, 2.500em, 2.667em, 3.000em, 3.333em, 4.000em, 6px, 7px, 8px, 9px, 10px, 11px, 12px, 13px, 14px, 15px, 16px, 17px, 18px, 19px, 20px, 21px, 22px, 23px, 24px, 30px, 32px, 36px, 40px, 48px, 50px, 60px
    line-heightoneofdefault, 17px, 18px, 19px, 20px, 21px, 22px, 23px, 24px, 26px, 28px, 30px
    weightoneofdefault, standard, bold, bolder, lighter
    styleoneofdefault, normal, italic
    variantoneofdefault, normal, small-caps
    text-transformoneofdefault, none, capitalize, uppercase, lowercase
    stretchoneofdefault, normal, wider, narrower, condensed, semi-condensed, extra-condensed, ultra-condensed, expanded, semi-expanded, extra-expanded, ultra-expanded
    decorationoneofdefault, none, underline, overline, line-through, blink
    margin-toponeofdefault, 0px, 1px, 2px, 3px, 4px, 5px, 6px, 7px, 8px, 9px, 10px, 11px, 12px, 13px, 14px, 15px, 16px, 17px, 18px, 19px, 20px, 36px, 40px, 48px, 0pt, -5pt, -10pt, 5pt, 7pt, 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 16pt, 18pt, 20pt
    margin-leftoneofdefault, 0px, 1px, 2px, 3px, 4px, 5px, 6px, 7px, 8px, 9px, 10px, 11px, 12px, 13px, 14px, 15px, 16px, 17px, 18px, 19px, 20px, 36px, 40px, 48px, 0pt, -5pt, -10pt, 5pt, 7pt, 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 16pt, 18pt, 20pt
    margin-bottomoneofdefault, 0px, 1px, 2px, 3px, 4px, 5px, 6px, 7px, 8px, 9px, 10px, 11px, 12px, 13px, 14px, 15px, 16px, 17px, 18px, 19px, 20px, 36px, 40px, 48px, 0pt, -5pt, -10pt, 5pt, 7pt, 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 16pt, 18pt, 20pt
    margin-rightoneofdefault, 0px, 1px, 2px, 3px, 4px, 5px, 6px, 7px, 8px, 9px, 10px, 11px, 12px, 13px, 14px, 15px, 16px, 17px, 18px, 19px, 20px, 36px, 40px, 48px, 0pt, -5pt, -10pt, 5pt, 7pt, 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 16pt, 18pt, 20pt
    text-indentoneof0pt, -5pt, -10pt, 5pt, 7pt, 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 16pt, 18pt, 20pt
    list-style-typeoneofdefault, none, square, disc, cricle, katakana-iroha, hiragana-iroha, katakana, hiragana, cjk-ideographic, decimal-leading-zero, hebrew, lower-greek, upper-alpha, lower-alpha, upper-roman, lower-roman
    list-style-positiononeofdefault, outside, inside


    Where to use this node

    Sub Nodes



    This node may be added to a design node and describes the formatting of fonts used for your web site. Changes to his node will reflect on all pages created with WebPal. The appearance of certain fonts used is set with these attributes: face: sets the font face. Ex: Verdana, sans-serif, MS Comicsize: sets the size. Ex: 12pt, 7ptweight: sets the weight of the font. 'bold' and 'standard' is allowed.colour: sets the colour of the font. Currently, the colour is set using a #RRGGBB code. a more convenient colour selector will be part of upcoming versions of WebPal. Leave this empty to have a default (usually black) font colour.background-colour: similar to the font colour, the background colour may be set. Leave this empty to have a transparent background.decoration: This may be set to 'underline' or 'none'paragraph-image: defines a stylisitic image which is displayed as a marker for each paragraph.

    Inherits from:

    Where to use this node


    nameoneofstandard, footnote, heading, heading1, heading2, heading3, heading4, heading5, heading6, paragraph, numbered list, bulleted list, quote, formatted, chapter-title, list-item-title

    Sub Nodes



    Where to use this node

    Sub Nodes



    Inherits from:

    Where to use this node


    nameoneofnormal, visited, hover, active


    You would use this node to add a background image or colour within a group.

    Where to use this node



    Sub Nodes
