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Basic Content Nodes

Understanding the Relationship Between Chapter, Page, & URL

All content nodes are in a hierarchy inside the "chapters" (wpChapterList) node. The very first chapter represents the home page of a web site. Each chapter represents a page on the site and can hold any number of content nodes. Each chapter has a name distinct from its siblings and represents a level in the URL.

For example, suppose a top-level chapter "aboutus" contains a sub-chapter "careers". The URL for reaching the careers section of the site would be:

However, there is not a 1-to-1 relationship between chapters and pages, as some content nodes within a chapter can generate many pages, such as list nodes in particular.

For example, let's say the careers chapter contains a list node "jobs", with a list-item called "web_developer", then the Web Developer posting is reachable at:

Screen Shots


Chapter List


The ChapterList node contains all the chapters (or pages) and associated content of the web site. Chapters are organized in a hierarchical fashion, and this order directly influences the structure of your menu and sub-menu items. Right-click on this node to add a new top level chapter.

Where to use this node


useraccessoptionalSee Access & Permission Control
groupaccessdefaultall:rSee Access & Permission Control

Sub Nodes

chapterwpChapterInsert as many chapters as you wish. The first top-level chapter represents the home (default) page.


A chapter node is the fundamental element to structure and organize the content of your web site. Each chapter node represents a menu entry and link on your web site. Typically, a company's web site will have the chapters "Home", "About us", "Products", "Employment", etc... on their site. Chapters may be nested and can contain further chapters, which are referred to as sub-chapters. To add a chapter, right-click on an existing chapter node and select "insert new...->chapter". WebPal will ask for some required attributes, and then create the chapter. Fill in at least the shorttitle field - this will be needed to actually create a link which points to the chapter. Right-click on a chapters node and select "Insert New..." to view the WebPal Nodes you may insert in this chapter. The content of this list may vary depending on which nodes are already added to the chapter or which capabilities of WebPal have been enabled under your particular license agreement. Contact for any questions on additional Node Concepts you would like to see in this list.

Where to use this node


namerequiredThis will determine the URL of this page. Best practices include: be as semantic as possible, keep names short, ensure all letters are lower case, use dashes to seperate words if necessary.
designoptionalSelect a design to be applied to a chapter. "Default" will simply apply the first design in the list.
show-in-menuoneofyes, no, web-only, wap-onlySetting this to "yes" will show the menu in your navigation, assuming its parent is also set to yes. Setting to "no" will create a "hidden" chapter, only accessible via link or direct request.
printerfriendly-designoptionalYou may select a printer-friendly design for each chapter. This creates an icon at the bottom of the page which opens a new window on-click event. A printer friendly designs is normally uniquely used for this function.
enable-email-to-friendoneofno, yesSetting to "yes" will add an icon/text combination at the bottom of the page which opens a new window on-click event.
email-to-friend-pagedefaultemailtofriend.htmlAllows you to specify a custom URL location, relative to the root, for your Email to Friend pop-up. Defaults to emailtofriend.html.
useraccessoptionalSee Access & Permission Control
groupaccessdefaultall:rSee Access & Permission Control
secure-accessoptionalUsed in tandem with a WebPal DB installation. Add "group" names (comma separated for multiples) to this field to restrict access.

Sub Nodes

chapterwpChapterAn instance of another chapter
htmlwpHtmlThe container that stores the content for the current chapter
titlewpStringLThe title of the chapter, this is used to generate the <title> element of this page. The title can also be set globally in the Web Settings
shorttitlewpStringLThis is used to generate the menu, the sitemap, and the sub-chapter list. This is also added to the <title> element of this page example: title - shorttitle.
keywordswpStringLSets the META element "Keywords". A comma-separated list of keywords relevant for the site.
descriptionwpStringLThis is an optional META element, "abstract". If you have content that is highly specialized, it will allow search engines that are a part of your field of expertise to index your website correctly.
menuImagewpImageThe image used for the up state of a chapter's menu item.
menuImage-mouseOverwpImageThe image used for the over state of a chapter's menu item.
slidewpSlideThis is the image used in conjunction with the slide-show node.
filewpFileAn instance of a file. (Eg. pdf, doc, xls, etc.)
html-codewpChapterRawInsert custom code with this node. (html, js etc.)
listwpListInsert a list node to format content in a tabular fashion.
eventlistwpEventsAn eventlist is great for organizing your events, and producing RSS automatically.
popup-gallerywpPopupGalleryA thumbnail gallery which displays full size image on click. Two display options are available.
newslistwpNewsListA great node for managing your news items in a structured fashion. Automatically produces RSS at the location:
product-listwpProductListA strucutred list of producsts which can be used to create a shopping cart.
stafflistwpStaffListA full featured node which renders a structured list of staff members, including images, details and much more.
sitemapwpSitemapAutomatically generate a sitemap by inserting this node into a chapter.
sub-chapters-listwpSubChaptersListCreates a link list of all the children chapters
agendawpAgendaA 2 column table which allows formatting of rows and columns.
web-formwpWebFormA robust node which allows complete creation of online forms.
social-bookmarkingwpSocialBookmarkingAdds html code to display available social bookmarking links.
tabbed-panewpTabbedPaneCreates tabbed area for displaying content
blogwpBlogCreates a blog, where you can insert articles and have people comment on them
rssfeedwpRSSFeedCAggregates an RSS feed and displays a fixed number of the most recent items sorted by date
slideshowwpSlideshowV5Allows a slideshow node to appear
analyticswpGoogleAnalyticsThis is where you can specify whether or not the Google Analytics code is added to that page. By default this is set to yes.
tablewpTableCCreates a table
data-tablewpDataTableCCreates a table
surveywpSurveyclick on the node type of this element to read more
dynamic-contentwpDynamicContentCCreate a area that display content in many different ways.
imagewpDynamicContentImageCThe image used in the dynamic content node within the design.



This is where you manage the content that appears on the page using a Rich Text editor. You can create bulleted lists, insert images and create links in this area.

Where to use this node


nameoptionalAllows you to label the node for identification relating to a design. Eg. "Testimonial Box"
linked-image-effectoneofhighlight on hover,normalControls dynamic effects on linked images in the html node, for example a button. "highlight on hover" (default) generates a glow-effect, "normal" does nothing.
langoneofany, en, fr, de, esSets the language of this node. "any" will make the node appear in all languages. Eg. "fr" will make the node appear only on the French version of the site.
demographicdefaultanyA comma-separated list of all the demographics that apply to this content. Eg. parent,student,alumni.



This node allows insertion of "raw" code (XHTML, Javascript, PHP) code into a chapter. The code will appear wherever it sits in the chapter hierarchy. Note that you can add multiple html-code nodes to "wrap" custom code. Since PHP code will be executed on the server, this node is to be used with caution. It is an excellent way to include code snippets or third-party widgets, such as addthis or jquery add-ons.

Inherits from:

Where to use this node


show-inoneofmain, related1, related2, related3, related4, related5Determines where in the design the content will appear.



Use this node to add a file to the website. (Before you can create a link to a file you must insert into the web.) On insert you will be prompted to browse for a file on your local workstation. WebPal CMS will then automatically upload this file to the web and allow you to link to it. To link to an embedded file from within your content, create a link as usual, then select "To a chapter or file in this web", and select the newly inserted file. For an existing, editable file such as a Microsoft Office document, double-click on the file name to edit the posted file. To ensure WebPal CMS recognizes your edits and re-uploads the file, close application before saving your WebPal site.

Where to use this node


namerequiredClick on this attribute to select a local file to upload. To edit an already uploaded file, double-click to open the default editor (e.g. Word) for this file. After making your edits, make sure to close the editor.
hiddenoneofno, yesSet this attribute to "yes" to generate a link to the file at the bottom of the page.
show-icononeofyes, noDetermines if an icon is shown with the automatically generated link.

Sub Nodes

titlewpStringLInsert a title as alternative text for the automatically generated link. The title can be multi-lingual, i.e. you can add more than one and set the "lang" attribute accordingly
iconwpImageAdd an alternative icon for this file here. The icon will only be generated if show-icon=yes



Inherits from:

Where to use this node


langoneofany, en, fr, de, esSets the language of this node. "any" will make the node appear in all languages. Eg. "fr" will make the node appear only on the French version of the site.