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Generic List

Powerful generic list node with many options. This node can be used for many purposes such as job lists, project lists, member lists, etc. Allows logos in index page and individual pages.

Screen Shots

Generic List


This node allows you to produce a list of items with both and index and detail page. Options include adding an image, a file, a link and some optional customized content in the form of a slide (usually a banner image) and/or content area.

Where to use this node


namerequirednewslistA unique name for the list.
styleoneofstandard, logo_onlyControls layout of the index page. Standard will display each item's title, logo-only shows only the logos, if supplied.
columnsoneof1, 2, 3Allows the items to be listed in 1,2 or 3 columns on the index page.
date-formatoneof yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy/mm/dd, mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy, dd-Mon-yy, Wkd_Month_dd_yyyy, Wkd_Mon_dd, Wkd_dd_Month_yyyy, Wkd_Month_dd_yyyy, Month_dd_yyyy, Mon_yyyyDetermines what format the date should be in if a date node exsists for a list item
designoptionalSelects the template to be used for the details page.
read-more-linkoptionalIf a phrase is given, each item will be listed with the phrase as a "read more" link to the item page. No link is created if empty (default).
printerfriendly-designoptionalSelects the design to use for the detail pages' printer-friendly version. No printer-friendly icon is generated if empty (default).
enable-email-to-friendoneofyes, noSelects if the email-to-friend icon is displayed on the detail pages.
email-to-friend-pagedefaultemailtofriend.htmlDefine a custom email to friend page.
email-to-friend-titledefaultEmail this to a friendCustomize the text which appears on the page as a link leading to your email a friend page.
show-descriptiononeofindex- and -itempage, only- in -indexDetermines if the description is shown on the index and item page or only on the index page.
show-logooneofindex- and -itempage, only- in -indexDetermines if the logo is shown on the index and item page or only on the index page.
prev-next-linksoneofno, yesDetermines whether or not to show previous / next links.
generate-rssoneofno, yesEnable RSS for the list by setting this option to "yes". The RSS feed can be found here: http://www. myfancydomain. com/_rss

Sub Nodes

listitemwpListItemAn instance of a list item.



This is an instance of a list item.

Where to use this node


nameoptionalThis is a unique name given to each item which is used to create the URL. Eg. http://www. myfancydomain. com/ mylist/ listname1.html
secure-accessoptionalUsed in tandem with a WebPal DB installation. Add "group" names (comma separated for multiples) to this field to restrict access.

Sub Nodes

titlewpStringLThe title of the list item.
descriptionwpHtmlA short description of the list item which can be shown as a summary on the index page.
textwpHtmlThe full content of the list item to be displayed on the details page.
datewpDateThe date the item was posted in the format: yyyymmdd
logowpImageAn image which can be displayed to the left of the item.
linkwpStringLA link which can be included as part of the item.
filewpFileLA file which can be included in the list item details page.
slidewpSlideThis provides the option of including a slide for each item. Used in conjunction with a design that uses the slideshow node.
related-infowpHtmlAn option to include item specific content in a distinct content area.
